Thursday, February 22, 2018

Famous Last Words: Snow Days

I enjoyed reading the Mahabharata this week! I ended up reading both parts of week 6 and 7 readings all at once. I didn’t want to stop reading because so many scenes were intense and there was just so much happening. I also liked how you could see similarities to the Ramayana at some points. I wrote an essay this week for my Native American Music class and I enjoyed doing research on the different sacred games that were played and what they represented and then writing about them in my essay. I ended up not writing a story this week for this class because I couldn’t pick out a favorite scene that I wanted to rewrite or think of a way to change a scene. I absolutely loved reading the stories that people have been adding to their portfolio or storybooks. I find it so intriguing to see all of the creative things that people came up with that I had never thought of doing. My favorite one that I read was a storybook that mixed high school musical with the Ramayana. I found it very relatable and easy to understand because everyone was put into everyday terms and situations that we have been through. I want to change how I normally write stories because I usually go with the same theme of changing the ending or writing from a character’s point of view. I will try to explore different writing styles next week! I was thankful at first to have snow days this week until I realized that I still had to turn in assignments through canvas instead of in person and all of my labs got pushed back a week so my timeline feels off. I am constantly confused of what needs to be due when now.

Enjoying the snow: Surf


  1. Hey Rosa! I kind of felt off too with my labs being thrown off because of the snow day! My physiology lab actually cancelled a whole lab day because there was absolutely no way for all of the students to make it up. They cancelled endocrine systems, and I was actually really excited to learn more about it. Hopefully you are all on track now, as everyone, including the professor and instructors have recovered from the missed days! Have a great day!

  2. Hi Rosa! Those snow days were certainly nice because I had time to catch up on certain classes; however, my other days seemed very thrown off! I really enjoyed reading the Mahabharata, and I too finished it incredibly fast! I think a change in your writing style would be nice, especially since we are in the middle of the course!
