Friday, February 23, 2018

Week 8 Progress

I am happy with my progress. I was a lot more productive during the first few weeks and then I slowed down quite a bit but I am still making my way through. I just do the assignments whenever I can. I am making my way through all of the extra credit. My favorite extra credit assignments are the growth mindset and tech tips. I also really enjoy the readings. I want to try new writing styles rather than the same ones I have been doing because they're the safe option. I want to avoid doing things last minute and having them build up.

Motivational Quote: Shutterstock


  1. Great advice! I realized that this class is really relaxing when I am not scrambling to do my declarations before 12:01pm the next day! I actually never tried the growth mindset extra credits and have always gone to the extra commenting sections. Reading this, I am inspired to do more of the extra credit and get into that! Thanks for sharing your experienes!

  2. I am in the same boat as you in regards to this class. I started out finishing things off early, but as my workload has increased throughout the semester I have settled to just getting things done before they are due. The extra credit assignments are very helpful though.
