Friday, February 16, 2018

Review: Having Hope

My favorite video from the announcements was the Live to Inspire: Dance because I have spent most of my life watching dance shows. Dance can communicate emotions and a story from the power in each movement. My favorite graphic from the announcements was about hope. I struggle with many of the major science courses that I have to take for my major and I always have to remember to have hope and to not give up no matter what.

Having Hope: Incidental Comics


  1. I really liked this video as well. Dance is so cool to watch, the control truly great dancers have over their bodies is insane to me. The way they can flow from one movement to another seamlessly is absolutely incredible to watch.

  2. I loved that video! I actually just bought my first ever fit pass to the fitness center this year and it made me think of that! I have never done dance classes or anything, but I have started for fitness and it has been a blast! Thank you so much for sharing!
