Plot: The Pandava Princes are on their last year of the 12 years of exile. They decide to live in disguise in Viratnagar to hide from Prince Duryodhan. Prince Yudhisthira disguised himself as a gambler, Prince bhima as a skilled cook, Prince Arjuna as a dancer and singer, Prince Nakula as a horse groomer, Prince Sahadev as a cowherd, and Princess Draupadi as a waiting maid. They hid their weapons before entering the palace and asked for an audience with King Virata. After 12 months, Prince Kichaka returns and asks Queen Sudeshna to send Draupadi to his room with food but he embraced Draupadi as soon as she entered his room and then threw a bunch at her when she ran away. Draupadi begged the king for help but he turned her away so she went to Bhima who took revenge on Kichaka for her.
Setting: King Virata's Palace
Setting: King Virata's Palace
Draupadi humiliated in front of King Virata: Wikipedia
Bibliography. "The Year of Disguise" from The Indian Heroes:Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City by C.A. Kincaid: web source
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